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Kairos Inside

Matt 25:36 “I was in prison, and you came to visit me…”


Kairos Inside is composed of well-organized and well-trained volunteer teams of men and women from the communities surrounding an institution that present an introductory 3-day weekend, described as a short course in Christianity.  This inter-denominational team of volunteers – both clergy and laypersons – works in cooperation with the Chaplain who carefully selects up to 42 inmate leaders to attend a Kairos Inside weekend.


This program brings both positive and negative leaders of the institution together for a 3 ½ day weekend event of carefully coordinated talks, discussions, chapel meditations, and music led by the loving servant spirit of the volunteers.  For many participants, this experience creates the desire to become a Christian and for others, the desire to continue his/her personal Christian growth.  After the weekend, the Inside Program continues by helping the participants to establish small, 3 to 6 person Prayer and Share Groups within the institution.  These small groups meet weekly to share their lives on a deep spiritual level and to pray for one another, other residents, their loved ones, and the staff of the institution.


The prison environment is a dark place, where prisoners face violence, anger, gangs and loneliness daily.  Kairos Prison Ministry volunteers step into this darkness and help the prisoners learn that they are worthy of God’s love, light and grace.  That no matter who they are or what they have done, God can forgive them.  As the Kairos Christian community inside a prison grows and begins to gain influence, the incidence of violence often decreases, as does the recidivism rate of those being released from prison.


If you would like to learn more about Kairos Prison Ministries, you can go to their website at or, if you would like more information about getting involved on a local level, please contact Ridge Corbin at (904) 264-1596.


We are a faith community that is diverse in every way.   We have a place for every individual who is seeking to grow in his or her relationship with God.  Our faith community is rooted and grounded in the two great commandments, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind and strength.’  And the second is like unto it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”  Together we learn and grow together through prayer, worship, service, scripture and stewardship.   We believe that we are called to grow in Christlikeness as Christian disciples and to reach out into the world as Christian apostles.  Hence, Christian education, fellowship, outreach and mission are an important part of who we are.



2051 Park Avenue
Orange Park, FL 32073


Mailing Address:

2105 Park Avenue, Suite 19, Orange Park, FL 32073



© 2022 by Orange Park Methodist Church 

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