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Compassion International

Compassion International is the world’s leading authority in holistic child development through sponsorship.  It can begin with prenatal care and goes all the way through leadership development for qualified young adults.  Compassion International takes a long-term approach to what they do and go beyond simple involvement in the lives of the children and families that they serve.  All of their child development programs provide opportunities that encourage healthy development in four areas – spiritual, physical, social and economic.


Child Sponsorship

Compassion’s Child Sponsorship Program works to break the generational cycle of poverty through a long-term, whole-child approach to development.  This program allows a sponsor to invest in the life of a child (aged 3-22 years) through a $38 monthly commitment that provides that child with physical, social, spiritual and economic care and training.


In this one-to-one relationship, sponsors are encouraged to write letters to their children, filling their minds and spirits with love, support and hope, so that they can be further encouraged to defeat poverty and pursue their dreams.


Today, more than 1.8 million children are sponsored through Compassion in more than 6,700 church partner sites and 25 countries worldwide.


Compassion Water of Life

Every year, contaminated water kills about 3.4 million people; of those deaths, 99 percent occur in the developing world.  That is why Compassion’s Water of Life program was started.  Through a $79 donation, a child and his or her family receives one complete safe water system that will yield the family 1 million gallons of safe water – enough for a lifetime.


This Water of Life system has been tested and proven by doctors and the United Nations.  The system is based on the same technology developed for kidney dialysis here in the states.  It effectively eliminates bacterial contaminants, including Cholera, Typhoid, E. Coli and Amoebic Dysentery from water sources such as lakes, rivers, ponds or puddles and allows only clean water to pass through for drinking.  A new system can be set up and ready to use in under five minutes.


We are a faith community that is diverse in every way.   We have a place for every individual who is seeking to grow in his or her relationship with God.  Our faith community is rooted and grounded in the two great commandments, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind and strength.’  And the second is like unto it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”  Together we learn and grow together through prayer, worship, service, scripture and stewardship.   We believe that we are called to grow in Christlikeness as Christian disciples and to reach out into the world as Christian apostles.  Hence, Christian education, fellowship, outreach and mission are an important part of who we are.



2051 Park Avenue
Orange Park, FL 32073


Mailing Address:

2105 Park Avenue, Suite 19, Orange Park, FL 32073



© 2022 by Orange Park Methodist Church 

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