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Traditional Service 11:00 AM

Our traditional services at Orange Park Methodist feature the colors of the liturgical seasons, communion, the recitation of the Apostles' Creed, Lord's Prayer, Responsive Readings, Congregational Hymns and various musical elements.

Contemporary Service 9:30 AM

This service is a mix of many worship elements, with weekly communion, the praise band, and the same fantastic message as our Traditional Services.

Children's Church.HEIC

Children's Worship

11:00 AM

Children's Worship takes place during the 11:00 AM service. The first 15 minutes of this time includes communal worship through music for kids 3 yrs old-6th grade. All children are to be checked in by an adult on an iPad kiosk upon arrival. Children 3 years old to 6th grade can be dropped off and pick up in our centralized check in point in the Fellowship Hall. After the drop off period they will be taken to their age level classroom, and brought back to the Fellowship Hall for pick up. Kids 0-2 years old can be dropped off and picked up in the nursery. Parent safety tags, given at check in, are required for pick up.


We are a faith community that is diverse in every way.   We have a place for every individual who is seeking to grow in his or her relationship with God.  Our faith community is rooted and grounded in the two great commandments, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind and strength.’  And the second is like unto it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”  Together we learn and grow together through prayer, worship, service, scripture and stewardship.   We believe that we are called to grow in Christlikeness as Christian disciples and to reach out into the world as Christian apostles.  Hence, Christian education, fellowship, outreach and mission are an important part of who we are.



2051 Park Avenue
Orange Park, FL 32073


Mailing Address:

2105 Park Avenue, Suite 19, Orange Park, FL 32073



© 2022 by Orange Park Methodist Church 

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